Tianyi Zhang | 张天仪

Ph.D. Candidate

Robotics Institute

School of Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon University


Hi! My name is Tianyi . I'm a Ph.D. student in Robotics at CMU advised by Prof. Matthew Johnson-Roberson. My research lies in 3D computer vision including physics-based reconstruction, diffusion models, simulation, and 3D foundation models that enable robots to better localize, navigate, and understand their environment. I also do hardware design and prototype especially for robot perception systems.

NEWS & Media Coverage: Our work featured by NOAA.gov (2023); The LINK (Spring 2024); CMU News (May 2024); CMU News (Nov 2024);

More Research & Projects

RS-ModCubes: Self-reconfigurable, Scalable, Modular Cubic Robots for Underwater Multitasking

Jiaxi Zheng ,  Guangmin Dai ,  Botao He ,  Zhaoyang Mu ,  Zhaochen Meng ,  Tianyi ZhangWeiming Zhi ,  Dixia Fan

RA-L 2025; IROS 2025

paper website

Field Work

Novel-view rendering with NeRF
Image Image
Florida Keys Aug 2023
Image Image
Hawaii Sea Oct 2019


Ph.D. Candidate Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
M.S. Robotics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (UM)
B.Eng. Tianjin University (TJU)

Work Experience

Software Engineer, Refraction AI (~ 1 yr)
Automated Camera-LiDAR-IMU calibration for a delivery robot.
Visiting Undergrad Researcher, Massachuset Institute of Technology (~ 0.5 yr)
Got my first-ever funding from TJU to do my undergrad thesis at MIT working with Dr. Dixia Fan.
Donut Eater & Software Intern, SLAMTEC (2017 Summer)
SLAMTEC build really good LiDARs and Robot platforms. Check it out!


Graduate Student Instructor    ROB535 Self-driving Cars: Perception and Control, Fall 2021, UMich
Teaching Assistant    16664 Self-driving Cars: Perception and Control, Spring 2023, CMU
Teaching Assistant    16385 Computer Vision, Fall 2023, CMU


Reviewer: RA-L 2021, 2023; ICRA 2022; KDD 2023; WACV 2024

Thanks Pedro Morgado for this amazing template.