Tianyi Zhang | 张天仪
Ph.D. Candidate
Hi! My name is Tianyi .
I'm a Ph.D. student in Robotics at CMU advised by Prof. Matthew Johnson-Roberson.
I'm broadly interested in optical perception, 3D vision, graphics, localization, mapping, and their applications on field robots.
I do electronic design and embedded system development for robots as well.
NEWS & Media Coverage: Our work featured by NOAA.gov (2023);
The LINK (Spring 2024);
CMU News (May 2024);
CMU News (Nov 2024);
Learning Cross-Scale Visual Representations for Real-Time Image Geo-Localization
RA-L 2022, ICRA 2022
Unifying Scene Representation and Hand-Eye Calibration with 3D Foundation Models
RA-L 2024, ICRA 2025
Toward General-Purpose Robots via Foundation Models: A Survey and Meta-Analysis
arxiv | in submission
Learning Neural Reflectance for True Color Correction and Novel-View Synthesis of Underwater Robotic Imagery
IROS 2023 PIES-ROB Workshop [Lightning Talk]
Learning Orbitally Stable Systems for Diagrammatically Teaching
Under Review | CoRL 2023 LEAP workshop
Features in the Point Cloud: An Automatic Approach to High Density LiDAR to Camera Calibration
Research report for M.S. Robotics degree, University of Michigan