Customizable Perturbation Synthesis for Robust SLAM Benchmarking

Sibo Wang

Xiang Li

Yongqi Chen

Ye Li

Bhiksha Raj


Robustness is a crucial factor for the successful deployment of robots in unstructured environments, particularly in the domain of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). Simulation-based benchmarks have emerged as a highly scalable approach for robustness evaluation compared to real-world data collection. However, crafting a challenging and controllable noisy world with diverse perturbations remains relatively under-explored. To this end, we propose a novel, customizable pipeline for noisy data synthesis, aimed at assessing the resilience of multi-modal SLAM models against various perturbations. This pipeline incorporates customizable hardware setups, software components, and perturbed environments. In particular, we introduce comprehensive perturbation taxonomy along with a perturbation composition toolbox, allowing the transformation of clean simulations into challenging noisy environments. Utilizing the pipeline, we instantiate the Robust-SLAM benchmark, which includes diverse perturbation types, to evaluate the risk tolerance of existing advanced multi-modal SLAM models. Our extensive analysis uncovers the susceptibilities of existing SLAM models to real-world disturbance, despite their demonstrated accuracy in standard benchmarks.

Published at: under review

